miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Things that I would love to learn

Hi teacher and classmates:
Well, I hope that you are fine!
Today the topic that I will talk is about the things that I would love to learn. In general I am a person that can´t do many things because I am a young mother and I dont have the time for practice some sport or other activity also that study. But I always was wanted learn to play a guitar because I love to sing and is a good accompaniment. But I think that I am very old today for learn play guitar... and I should recognize that I was very lazy in the past because I would can do practice when I was a child but in this momento I am not interested.
And for other part when I was around 11 years old I played voleyball in the school and I remember that I enjoyed much with this activity... But when I changed of school in "primero medio" my new school is more focused in the handball and I stop practicing voleyball but I would love start to practice again because is very funny and make me happy and revitalized... I hope in the future have more time and can resume the voleyball.

Regards ladyes :)

1 comentario:

  1. Catalina, Are you crazy? you are not old at all. You can still be a fantastic guitarist if you really want it :)
