jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

My ambitions

Hi beautiful people: Well, today I will talk about of my ambitions to the future... I think that the people have many ambitions and I too... but in this moment the most important for me is end my studies of psychology and after can work with many patients... Then I want to travel to Argentina for continue and improve my studies across a postgrade in sexology.
I would like to achieve this ambition because in Chile actually isn't disponible this postgrade, and for this reason the pathologies that need this knowledge should be attended with other therapies or not attended never. I think that if this knowledge exist... then it should arrived to Chile, and is for this reason that I fell the necessity of study sexology in Argentina and after I will can help every person that have any sexual problem.
I know about this discipline because when I was a child I saw "Caso cerrado" and in this program one time happened a case about of sexual abuse and sexology appeared for help to victim. In this moment I thinked " I would like to be like her" She inspired me, because the problem are delicate but very human and possible, for this interested me, and for this is important to me fulfill this ambition, because I understand that this problems happen everyday and know that in my country we don't know how to solve... I hope you like my reflexion... regards

1 comentario:

  1. Catalina the sexual psycholy is very interesting but is not recognize like a important area in psychology. I love Ph D. Polo her is very brave. Regards my dear friend!
