jueves, 18 de julio de 2013


Hi ladies!:
Well, in this opportunity I talk about my experience like a blogger… The truth is that I never was a blog and never wrote many words in English. I think that it was a good experience because now I can write with more simplicity and the topic always were very funny. My principal feebleness was that in the first blogs I tried of make it very complete and complex… because I wanted write in English identical like in Spanish and with the time I learned that I can organize my ideas of other form… I think that this helps me to make more easy the English and I appreciate this capacity… I think that the worst thing of write blogs was the timetable!! The timetable was horrible! And nobody had desire to write in this hour… We wanted sleep! Jaja
But… In general I think that was a good experience… I learn new words and a new way for organize my written… Also, now I feel that know much better the English structures and now I know that I can express me in other language… But I know that I have much things that improve and I hope do this!


My best friend

Hello everyone:
Well, today the topic is  friendship. I will talk about my best friend, her name is Sara and I knew her when I was around 10 years old in the school, when we were in 5ªgrade.
I really don´t remember how I knew Sara because, your understand, this happened to long time... But the first time that I felt that we was friends was when she invited me to her birthday party.
I remember that this day I knew her family and I liked his brother jajaja... But he was very old for me because I was 10 years old and he was around 16 years old. But it was very funny because she liked the friend of her brother and for this reason we became more close to each other because we did strategies to be liked to that boys.
In the present, Sara and me, are good friends. But we have not very much time for meet us... Because she and me have kids and we study in different universities. But the relation is very stronge and even I am the godmother of her son and our boyfriends are friends too... jajaja We knew him in the same party!
 The principal difference that we have is the nacionality because she is from Peru and I am chilean girl... and the principal thing that I like about her is that she is us me and we are very accomplices.

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Things that I would love to learn

Hi teacher and classmates:
Well, I hope that you are fine!
Today the topic that I will talk is about the things that I would love to learn. In general I am a person that can´t do many things because I am a young mother and I dont have the time for practice some sport or other activity also that study. But I always was wanted learn to play a guitar because I love to sing and is a good accompaniment. But I think that I am very old today for learn play guitar... and I should recognize that I was very lazy in the past because I would can do practice when I was a child but in this momento I am not interested.
And for other part when I was around 11 years old I played voleyball in the school and I remember that I enjoyed much with this activity... But when I changed of school in "primero medio" my new school is more focused in the handball and I stop practicing voleyball but I would love start to practice again because is very funny and make me happy and revitalized... I hope in the future have more time and can resume the voleyball.

Regards ladyes :)

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Places for eat!

Hi teacher and classmates:
Today I will talk about of my favorites places for eat out. I don’t really eat out usually, because I hardly ever have money for this activity… But, when I was younger I went to ate out with my parents and my sister… Alonso wasn’t born. I remember one time that went on restaurant in the Mercado central called “La joya del pacifico” I really like the sea food and I ate “mariscal”. This place is very beautifull, its big and the people are very cute and efficient. In “La joya del pacifico” you can drink natural juices, pisco sour, wine and other drinks. Is a good place for go out with the family.
The last time when I went to eat with my family we went to “La parrillada del 59” … I really don’t remember the number, but I thing that is 59 jajaja, but is a restaurant where you can eat Chilean food, parrilladas, casuelas etc. this place isn’t very expensive but isn’t cheap… This restaurant is very beautiful, it is decorated with many wood, is like a manor house and also have a plays for the kids… Alonso was play here and after he don’t want to leave.
The food in “La parrilada del 59” is very good and is many food… with a 2 peolple barbecue ate my mom, my dad, I and Alonso… and the barbecue had prieta, longaniza, beef, pork, chunchules and potatoes.
Well I hope you like this type of food and that you visit some that this places because are very good… Regards!

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


Hi everyone:
Today I will talk about my presentation of sexology... This discipline isn´t very know in Chile but is very interesting and I thing that is very important too. For this reason I think that is important that people know more things of this topic of psychology and for this reason I choose this topic. I think that I organized good my presentation but I don´t had many time for study this because was week of important test. If I would can do it again I would study more and I would memorized better my presentation. 
My presentation had many important aspects but I will put emphasis in four things. Sexology was born of studies about psicopatia sexualis realized for medical psychiatric when people considered some behaviors such as homosexuality, as deviator. The principal object of study of sexology is the human sexuality and their manifestations. Sexology is a discipline that avance with the society and culture because it based in idea of normality and anormality. Today, sexology have task to understand, define, managed and give them new meaning to the extent that changes society and culture.
Finally I hope that you enjoyed with my presentation and that you learned about this discipline.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

My career

Hi classmates:
Today I will took about the career that I choose, because I change and because I think that this career its important to the society.
First of all when I was in the secondary school I always had prefer for human sciences, but I wished study law… Yes I know that`s strange but is true, and I prepare for the PSU but I only got  to Bachillerato. In this career I discovered that I like the psychology and I decided study this career.
 I study psychology because I think that this form I can change many things about of one person, and I would like do this, I think that I have the necessary ability for this things because I am very empathy and I practice every days with every people… jajajaja always I am the person that listen the problems of the others… And I am very good in this area.
I think that the psychologies have very useful in this time, because I think that this society is very sick and every day it requires more attention, and understanding. I see that every day we are more anxious for material thinks and better quality of life, better things, better works, better all… And this behavior is absolutely negative, because we leave the more important things and forget this.
The psychologists need more tools and capacities for can be one real contribution for the problems that the people put in their hands. They need learn to listen and understand the signal that the people don’t say… Is very complicate work. Also they need be empathy and especially have vocation for this work because this can be more tiring.
I am of 3ª year of psychology and my favorite subject until now is social phychology because this subject is very funny and interesting…
Regards. J

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

My favorite song

Hi people: I hope you are well… Today I will talk about to the music. I love to listen music, in the morning when I chose what I will wear, I sing my favorite songs in the shower jaja… I listen a little part of all, but the rock, pop and romantic music are the more prefer for me. I listen Latin American Rock, in special of 80`s, the pop music is for dance… and the romantic music always was my favorite…
My favorite song in this moment is “Talking to the moon” of Bruno Mars… The first time that I listen this song was in my zumba class and I say WOW! Is very beautiful, but I don’t understand what it say… and isn’t important to me.  For many time I didn’t know who sing this song and I don’t know what´s was called, but I love… One day my mom put a Cd in the DVD  and the song sounded… I was very impress and now I listen every day.
The true is that the song like me for the pace and in addition I feel that it is very deep and sad… I always think that this song was created whit the soul. I hope your like too. Regards

Hi people: I hope you are well… Today I will talk about to the music. I love to listen music, in the morning when I chose what I will wear, I sing my favorite songs in the shower jaja… I listen a little part of all, but the rock, pop and romantic music are the more prefer for me. I listen Latin American Rock, in special of 80`s, the pop music is for dance… and the romantic music always was my favorite…
My favorite song in this moment is “Talking to the moon” of Bruno Mars… The first time that I listen this song was in my zumba class and I say WOW! Is very beautiful, but I don’t understand what it say… and isn’t important to me.  For many time I didn’t know who sing this song and I don’t know what´s was called, but I love… One day my mom put a Cd in the DVD  and the song sounded… I was very impress and now I listen every day.
The true is that the song like me for the pace and in addition I feel that it is very deep and sad… I always think that this song was created whit the soul. I hope your like too. Regards

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

:) my family

Hi people: 
Well... today I will talk about my favorite picture in the last time. In this picture appear I and my family, but is only a part of my family because is very big. In this picture appear my cousin Gabriel, Mónica, Anilú with her husband and his two kids Diego y Arlenne, My cousin Veronica and her child Sofía, My sister and my uncle George… And obviously I and my son Alonso… The most beautiful of the picture ajajaja
 This picture was taken in September 2012, in Talca. In this city live my grandmother and always came to visit her for the celebrations. This day we went the river and ate churros and papas fritas. Alonso, my son, buy a burble pistol and play with this every day... This day was very funny and take many fotographys, this is my favorite because all appear, only lack my cousin Yoyo because he was taken the fotographys... Is special because every have a smile and reflect how we are in reallity... a beautifull and nearby family.
I hope you read and post this fotography… 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

My ambitions

Hi beautiful people: Well, today I will talk about of my ambitions to the future... I think that the people have many ambitions and I too... but in this moment the most important for me is end my studies of psychology and after can work with many patients... Then I want to travel to Argentina for continue and improve my studies across a postgrade in sexology.
I would like to achieve this ambition because in Chile actually isn't disponible this postgrade, and for this reason the pathologies that need this knowledge should be attended with other therapies or not attended never. I think that if this knowledge exist... then it should arrived to Chile, and is for this reason that I fell the necessity of study sexology in Argentina and after I will can help every person that have any sexual problem.
I know about this discipline because when I was a child I saw "Caso cerrado" and in this program one time happened a case about of sexual abuse and sexology appeared for help to victim. In this moment I thinked " I would like to be like her" She inspired me, because the problem are delicate but very human and possible, for this interested me, and for this is important to me fulfill this ambition, because I understand that this problems happen everyday and know that in my country we don't know how to solve... I hope you like my reflexion... regards

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

My Lovely English (: : Internet

Hi Francisca: Many people talk about of cuevana, but i never use this web site, i belive that this site shout be more interesting and i will visit for your post... congratulation Francisca ajajajajaja... And Terra is more met for me because my mom visit this site... but  im not... regards!

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


Hi guys: Well, today I´m inspired to talk about the internet, you know that the internet is in this time the most important tool for the comunication. Is for this reason that I like use facebook( http://www.facebook.com), because with it I can chat with my family that don´t live in Santiago and besides is free for me because my parents pay for this, jajaja. My story with facebook is very long, because at first I used only for play and make me test given that i saw to my sister do that. This form I opened my facebook and discovered much more uses of facebook. I visit this site around of 4 years, every days.
Another use that you can give to the internet is search information, before the people went to library and study there every day... For luck now you only write in google (http://www.google.cl) the thing that you need find, its simple and fast, because I use always, in special for the works.
Besides of search information, in google, you can open a mail, and search academic information with google academico. I discovered this site when i was a child, when the intenet arrived to Chile, mi father taught me and my sister how to use google for to do our works.
Well this are my favorite sites of internet, and I more use too. Regards :)

Hi Blog

Hi everybody: well, my name is Catalina Díaz I have 21 years old and I study psicology in university of Chile. My favorite hobbies are listen music, specially a romantic music and latin rock of the 80`s. Also when I was 13 years I played volleyball and when I was 17 I went to the santiago´s marathon. I like the sports but now I really don’t  have time for this activity. I like the camping, all summers I go to vilchez with my family and camp for around 3 weeks. In general I am a positive person, very expressive and extrovert. I hope that they like my blog, regards. Cata.