sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


Hi everyone:
Today I will talk about my presentation of sexology... This discipline isn´t very know in Chile but is very interesting and I thing that is very important too. For this reason I think that is important that people know more things of this topic of psychology and for this reason I choose this topic. I think that I organized good my presentation but I don´t had many time for study this because was week of important test. If I would can do it again I would study more and I would memorized better my presentation. 
My presentation had many important aspects but I will put emphasis in four things. Sexology was born of studies about psicopatia sexualis realized for medical psychiatric when people considered some behaviors such as homosexuality, as deviator. The principal object of study of sexology is the human sexuality and their manifestations. Sexology is a discipline that avance with the society and culture because it based in idea of normality and anormality. Today, sexology have task to understand, define, managed and give them new meaning to the extent that changes society and culture.
Finally I hope that you enjoyed with my presentation and that you learned about this discipline.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

My career

Hi classmates:
Today I will took about the career that I choose, because I change and because I think that this career its important to the society.
First of all when I was in the secondary school I always had prefer for human sciences, but I wished study law… Yes I know that`s strange but is true, and I prepare for the PSU but I only got  to Bachillerato. In this career I discovered that I like the psychology and I decided study this career.
 I study psychology because I think that this form I can change many things about of one person, and I would like do this, I think that I have the necessary ability for this things because I am very empathy and I practice every days with every people… jajajaja always I am the person that listen the problems of the others… And I am very good in this area.
I think that the psychologies have very useful in this time, because I think that this society is very sick and every day it requires more attention, and understanding. I see that every day we are more anxious for material thinks and better quality of life, better things, better works, better all… And this behavior is absolutely negative, because we leave the more important things and forget this.
The psychologists need more tools and capacities for can be one real contribution for the problems that the people put in their hands. They need learn to listen and understand the signal that the people don’t say… Is very complicate work. Also they need be empathy and especially have vocation for this work because this can be more tiring.
I am of 3ª year of psychology and my favorite subject until now is social phychology because this subject is very funny and interesting…
Regards. J

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

My favorite song

Hi people: I hope you are well… Today I will talk about to the music. I love to listen music, in the morning when I chose what I will wear, I sing my favorite songs in the shower jaja… I listen a little part of all, but the rock, pop and romantic music are the more prefer for me. I listen Latin American Rock, in special of 80`s, the pop music is for dance… and the romantic music always was my favorite…
My favorite song in this moment is “Talking to the moon” of Bruno Mars… The first time that I listen this song was in my zumba class and I say WOW! Is very beautiful, but I don’t understand what it say… and isn’t important to me.  For many time I didn’t know who sing this song and I don’t know what´s was called, but I love… One day my mom put a Cd in the DVD  and the song sounded… I was very impress and now I listen every day.
The true is that the song like me for the pace and in addition I feel that it is very deep and sad… I always think that this song was created whit the soul. I hope your like too. Regards

Hi people: I hope you are well… Today I will talk about to the music. I love to listen music, in the morning when I chose what I will wear, I sing my favorite songs in the shower jaja… I listen a little part of all, but the rock, pop and romantic music are the more prefer for me. I listen Latin American Rock, in special of 80`s, the pop music is for dance… and the romantic music always was my favorite…
My favorite song in this moment is “Talking to the moon” of Bruno Mars… The first time that I listen this song was in my zumba class and I say WOW! Is very beautiful, but I don’t understand what it say… and isn’t important to me.  For many time I didn’t know who sing this song and I don’t know what´s was called, but I love… One day my mom put a Cd in the DVD  and the song sounded… I was very impress and now I listen every day.
The true is that the song like me for the pace and in addition I feel that it is very deep and sad… I always think that this song was created whit the soul. I hope your like too. Regards