Hi everyone:
Today I will talk about my presentation of sexology... This discipline isn´t very know in Chile but is very interesting and I thing that is very important too. For this reason I think that is important that people know more things of this topic of psychology and for this reason I choose this topic. I think that I organized good my presentation but I don´t had many time for study this because was week of important test. If I would can do it again I would study more and I would memorized better my presentation.
My presentation had many important aspects but I will put emphasis in four things. Sexology was born of studies about psicopatia sexualis realized for medical psychiatric when people considered some behaviors such as homosexuality, as deviator. The principal object of study of sexology is the human sexuality and their manifestations. Sexology is a discipline that avance with the society and culture because it based in idea of normality and anormality. Today, sexology have task to understand, define, managed and give them new meaning to the extent that changes society and culture.
Finally I hope that you enjoyed with my presentation and that you learned about this discipline.